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Amagami SS OST [MP3]


Animes.so Staff
Otaku Novize
2 Apr. 2016

Amagami SS OST [MP3]



1. Dedicated to the birds
2. Flower of life
3. The place I met you
4. Dog and flowers
5. After the shower
6. Secret motion
7. She's walking with flowers
8. The distance
9. You are so sunshine
10. Melody of a lachrymal gland
11. Elephant dance
12. The first feeling
13. Glamorous switch
14. Swimming in the night air
15. Her heart is jumping around
16. Close encounters of the third kind
17. Girl's talk
18. Cabbage's tears
19. A beautiful lie
20. A crescent moon in the daylight
21. After all
22. A labyrinth of love
23. Green tea for two
24. Perspective of a toy poodle
25. Stand up! My soul!
26. The reincarnation of Queen
27. The heartbeat you never know
28. Orange clover
29. Rose drawn in sumi
30. Remember today
31. A little bird on my hand
32. Thousands of miracles
33. My blue galaxy


Format: 320 kBit/s MP3
Größe: 130MB
Source: Nipponsei

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