Title: Futari Ecchi (2014)
Type: OVA
Summary: Based on [Katsu Aki]`s manga by the same name, serialised on [Young Animal]. [Makoto] and [Yura] are happy newly-weds, both of them 25 years old, but neither of them has any sexual experience. Desperately willing to improve their sex life, they look for help from their relatives, friends and the media. While their sexual knowledge is increasing, embarrassing moments are not uncommon for the innocent couple. Source: ANN
Resolution: 848x480
Year: 10.10.2014
Episodes: 3
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Genres: Earth, Daily Life, Japan, Comedy, Manga, Present, Asia, Seinen, Pantsu, Nudity, Ecchi, Sexual Fantasies, Sex, Large Breasts, Housewives, Borderline Hentai
Source: DVD
Container: MKV
Subgroup: Glitch
Overall Size: ~500MB
Hoster: uploaded.net, share-online.biz