AW: Schöne Anime Zitate
Hier einige von Yang Wen-lis Zitaten aus Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu:
- The greatest freedom is the freedom not to get involved.
- There are few wars between good and evil: most are between one good and another good.
- If the defence of our homeland and self-sacrifice are as necessary as you say, before you tell other people do 'do this and that,' how about if you actually do it yourselves?
- What is the most cowardly and shameful thing in human conduct? It's when people with power, and those who flatter them, hide in safe places and extol war — who force patriotism and self-sacrifice on other, sending them to the battlefield to die. For the sake of peace in the universe, before we continue this fruitless war with the Empire, mustn't we first start by exterminating such evil parasites?
- Dictatorship itself isn't absolutely evil, it's just another form of government. The point is how you can run it for the benefit of society.
- In reality, it's dictatorship rather than democracy that drastically advances government reforms. But I think humanity ought to avoid being united by a dictatorship. While it's true Duke Lohengramm might have that talent, what about his descendants? His heir? Rulers aren't necessarily wise through generations... I don't think the entire human race should be ruled by a system where everything depends on one person's character.
- People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations.
- An army is a tool for violence, and there are two kinds of violence... Violence to control and oppress, and violence as a means of liberation. You know, what we call a national army, is fundamentally the former example. It's a pity, but history doesn't lie. When those in power confront popular opposition, there aren't many examples of the army siding with the people. Far from it. In the past, in country after country, the army itself evolved into a power structure, and came to control the people with violence.
- There certainly are things that cannot be told in words, but that can only be said by people who have exhausted their use of words. Words are like icebergs that are floating on the ocean called 'heart.' The parts that show above the sea surface are small, but they still let us perceive of sense the larger parts that are hidden below the water. Use words deliberately. If you do, you'll be able to convey more things more accurately than if you were to keep silent. Right judgement can only be made with right information and right analyses.